Poop Comes From Food. Food Comes From Poop.

Through sewage treatment facilities, the wastes from your toilet are treated, to minimize the negative impact it may have on aquatic life, before it is disposed of into various bodies of water. During wastewater treatment, solids, which contain organic matter and insoluble trace elements and nutrients, trickle out of the wastewater stream. After these solids have gone through secondary treatment, they are known as biosolids. These stabilized and treated residuals are rich in organic matter and contain essential plant nutrients. They have the ability to provide nutrients for plants, improve soil structure and tilth, add organic matter, enhance moisture retention, and reduce soil erosion.

There are many benefits regarding the use of biosolids in our community. Biosolids allow the development of crop production. It improves, replenishes, and maintains healthy soils through embedded nutrients. Not only do biosolids contain essential nutrients for plant growth, but they also boost soil water-holding capacity, and topsoil runoff. Chemical fertilizers contain many chemicals and substances that are harmful towards an animal’s (humans included!) system. By using biosolids as organic fertilizer, it not only provides farmers and their crops with many vital nutrients which cannot be found in chemical fertilizers, but it lessens the concentration and availability of chemicals found in our daily foods. Besides containing essential nutrients, biosolids also contain many important elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, copper, boron, molybdenum, zinc, and iron which are important for plant growth. Biosolids contain both essential nutrients and elements, but the largest component of biosolids are composed of organic matter. This organic matter promotes necessary bacterial activity, loosens clay and improves the consistency of sandy soils. By having an improved texture of soils, it leads to dense, healthy root growth, which then allows plants to absorb nutrients more efficiently. The stated organic matter in biosolids also assists with binding soil particles. Through this task, soil texture and the water-holding capacity improves and decreases the chances of vegetation drought.

Apart from having the ability to reduce erosion and protect water quality, by using biosolids as organic fertilizer, the nutrient rich materials can be used effectively on golf courses, sport fields, public parks, building lawns, turf, matching plant beds, and general gardening.  Composting biosolids with woodchips, sawdust, and/or yard clippings allow the slow release of nitrogen and phosphorus, two primary nutrients a plant requires.  The organic material from biosolids can enrich the forest land by increasing forest productivity for certain tree species, thus, enhancing vegetation growth and can also benefit wild life population. The most important component of biosolids, the organic material, can be used in various areas within our community.  There are many benefits regarding the use of recycled biosolids, but of course, whenever there are benefits, it follows that there are also drawbacks.

The sewage system contains a wide range of pathogenic microbes, possible the most characteristic to pose a health hazard.   Due to the microbial content, in the United States, biosolids have been classified into two groups: Class A and Class B.  In Class A status the concentration of pathogens is so small and almost undetectable.  A treatment plant has to test directly for pathogens or use a specific treatment to kill them.  While in Class B status, treatment plans must reduce microorganisms and pathogens below two million colony forming units of fecal coliform per gram of dry weight.  Treatment plants are so effective that it decreases the amount of bacteria from one billion fecal coliform bacteria per 100ml of sewage to 30 000 to six billion per 100ml.  Class B sludge is also known to contain the eggs of parasitic worms called helminths which have the ability to survive sewage treatment and soil processes.  Another negative aspects of using biosolids as organic fertilizer is the existence of toxic chemicals that do not decompose during treatment.

However, despite these noted drawbacks, these potential health hazards are under constant federal and state requirements (in the United States) and are used only for agricultural practices. Some fear and question whether the toxic organic compounds, pathogens, and microbes have the possibility of contaminating soil, water, and/or food which can later be digested by animals. But in Ontario, government scientists, health experts and agronomists, constantly review, analyze, and grade regulatory requirements and standards for applying biosolids to agricultural land. They make sure these biosolids protect food safety, human health and environment based on requirements and standards like: strict quality necessity, approval of receiving sites, quantity that can be applied, and mandatory waiting periods after application of biosolids before planting or harvesting. (Farms receiving Class B sludge must wait before harvesting crops on land to ensure that certain organisms die in the soil during the time frame).

It is true that we are influenced greatly by the westernized view of human waste as an unsanitary and disgusting nuisance, but regardless, using biosolids as sustainable agricultural fertilizer not only helps the environment in reducing landfill disposal, but on the other hand, it also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, improves soil fertility, enhances soil structure, and adds organic matter to reduce soil erosion, ensuring a win-win situation.


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Who cut the LVAD wire? (lol jks)
In this current day and age, new discoveries are constantly found and the world moves one step further in technological advancements. Technology not only enables us to learn more about the world around us, but also allows us to educate more about ourselves, and our human body. Discoveries and developments in medical technology have permitted doctors, surgeons, specialists, and researchers in the medical field to help cure and operate on known diseases and disorders. Besides helping to save lives, these medical breakthroughs also allow many people to function normally every day. Needless to say, medical technology plays a major role in our world today.

Biphasic Cuirass Ventilation (BCV) is a method of ventilation which controls the respiratory cycle (both inspiratory and expiratory phases). Named after the body-armour worn by medieval soldiers, BCV entails the patient to wear a shell or cuirass which is attached to a power unit. As it is Biphasic, controlling both the inspiratory and expiratory phases, the BCV is able to ventilate at a high frequency from six to 1200 cycles per minute and also achieve higher tidal volumes. These two factors allow higher minute ventilation and therefore, able to complete ventilation with both normal and sick lungs.[1]
Biphasic Cuirass Ventilation

Ventricular assist devices (VAD) is a circulatory device used to replace partially or completely the function of a failing heart. Not to be confused with a pacemaker or artificial hearts, VADs are designed to aid the right (RVAD) or left (LVAD) ventricle or both (BiVAD). VADs are normally used to assist a patient’s heart while he/she waits for an available heart for a heart transplant. [2]
Ventricular Assist Device
A recent technology developed for your digestive system, Capsule Endoscopy allows your doctor to examine and evaluate the lining of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, the middle part of your gastrointestinal tract. It is used to search for a cause of bleeding from the small intestine, detecting polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, and tumours of the small intestine. This technology involves the swallowing of a pill sized video capsule called an endoscope. It has its own lens and light source and when swallowed, travels through your intestine and the images taken can be viewed on an external monitor.  [3]

Capsule Endoscopy

Calcitonin, is a hormone produced by humans to reduce blood calcium. Discovered by Dr. Douglas Harold Copp in 1961, his investigation of the regulation of calcium in the body led to his discovery of Calcitonin. It is used therapeutically for the treatment of osteoporosis and hypercalcemia. Calcitonin can also be used as a tumour marker for medullary thyroid adenocarcinoma, a form of thyroid cancer.  [4]


This past century, many scientists, doctors, specialists, and researches have contributed many discoveries to medical technology. It is amazing how we are able to live the future our ancestors wanted and predicted. As years pass by, medical technology will continue to improve and maybe our grandchildren will be able to live the future we predict.

Industrial Agriculture vs. Sustainable Agriculture

What is industrial agriculture?
Industrial agriculture, the most common type of commercial agriculture system produces most of the world's food and fiber. It works by giving and receiving. With these types of farms, there are "inputs" like adding things such as pesticides, feed, fertilizer, and fuel to a farmer's crops, and the "output" or result is large amounts of meat, milk, eggs, etc. With industrial agriculture, it's job is to produce the highest number of "output" while using the lowest possible cost by relying on economies of scale, modern machinery, biotechnology, and global trade.

 File:Florida chicken house.jpg
Animals living in an industrial farm

Pigs or other animals who live in these types of farms are resided in confinement. Farmers use antibiotics or pesticides to help reduce the spread of disease in these crowded, harsh, living conditions, and to stimulate livestock growth by killing intestinal bacteria. It is said, that in the US, 70% of pesticides are used for agriculture. Not only are antibiotics and pesticides used, but a wide variety of artificial methods like antimicrobial agents, vitamin supplements, and growth hormones are given to these animals. When we, as consumers, go out to the grocery store to buy these products, many of these animals have been given pesticides so that farmers can prevent livestock loss due to pests. Not only is putting chemicals into an animal's body immoral, but it can also cause health problems to consumers. These pesticides travel through soil and water and have also affected residents living near such farms. These types of farms do not only have a human health impact, but it also affects animals residing in these living conditions. Because of it's cramped space, animals result in a lack of exercise, contagious diseases, and weak immune systems. Because fossil fuels have been used to power the machinery, the environment is also paying a deadly cost.

What is sustainable agriculture?
Sustainable agriculture is a farming approach of raising food that is healthy for the environment, consumers, animals. It is humane for workers, and also respects animals. This type of agriculture is the opposite of industrial agriculture and has three distinct characteristics compared to industrial agriculture.

Conservation and preservation: Everything is reused. What is taken out of the environment is put back in. Resources are replenished and the waste from sustainable farming stays within the farm's ecosystem and therefore does not cause buildup or pollution.

Biodiversity: These farms sustain biodiversity by raising different types of plants and animals. Livestock is then rotated around the fields to both, enrich the soil, and and prevent diseases and pest outbreaks.

Animal Welfare: Animals are treated with respect, and are well cared for. Unlike industrial farms, they live in big, vast, fields instead of cramped, dirty pens. Animals in sustainable farms carry out their normal activity and behaviour like grazing, rooting, pecking, etc. They are also fed on a natural diet appropriate for their species.

Although this method ensures the biodiversity of these organisms, one can not help but worry about how this method of organic, low-input, no pesticide, integrated, small-scale sustainable production can feed not only one family, but hundreds more. This type of farming needs not only a farmer's skill, but also he/she's patience. Can sustainable farming produce sufficient food for the ever-large growing human population?

Productive Livestock or Biodiversity?
Venn gifSo, what would you choose? Industrial agriculture where crops and livestock have been injected with chemicals and pesticides that can be produced in bulk and can feed a growing population, or crops and livestock that live in harmony with the environment to ensure biodiversity but may not be able to feed the entire human population?

Although the idea of feeding the whole world in a low-cost fashion appeals to many people, one cannot ignore the fact that these animals have been injected with different chemicals to be the size they are when we see them at the grocery store. These animals have not only been living in harsh conditions, but have also been injected with artificial growth hormones, battled different diseases found in industrial farms, etc. By putting these chemicals into these species, it does not respect an animal's dignity, so to say, but these chemicals also affects us, humans, as consumers.

Sustainable agriculture is the way of a perfect harmony between humans, animals, and their environments and not for humans to be dominant of nature. This type of farming enables biodiversity and not a specialization. A community, and not competition. It focuses on permanence, quality, and beauty, not speed, quantity, and profit.

Sustainable farms rarely use chemicals and pesticides so consumers can be assured no health problems are to arise. One may ask, "Can the way of sustainable agriculture feed the world?" The answer is yes. Scientists and researchers have said that once these results begin to multiply, it has the potential to contribute quite substantially to the global food supply." Not only is this a look into the future, but scientists have said that the soil on sustainable farms are extremely healthy which benefits both health and climate stability while industrial farm soil is the opposite. Many have agreed that the the problem of reducing hunger and poverty is not how much food we make, but instead, how the food is distributed.


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Gucci or Versace?


By using advanced reproductive technologies, parents and doctors are able to screen embryos for genetic disorders and select healthy embryos. As they choose and design their desirable cosmetic characteristics, the perfect baby of their dreams is born. 

IVF, short for InVitro Fertilisation, is a technology that is able to preselect certain baby genes. It is most often used to overcome a variety of fertility difficulties like sperm deficiency, poor sperm quality, obstructions between the egg and the sperm, sperm-egg interaction problems, and tubal problems.

How does IVF work?
  • A woman's body naturally releases one mature egg each month. Women going through the process of IVF are given special reproductive hormones to develop multiple follicles, each containing a mature egg. Depending on the patient's response to the medications, sonograms and blood tests are required every one to four days between 7:00am and 8:30am. This close monitoring of the woman's response to the medication is required to minimalize side effects and to optimize egg quantity.
  • HCG, or hurman chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone that can be detected in a woman's blood or urine to indicate a pregnancy. An HCG injection is given around 34-36 hours before the egg retrieval takes place. When the egg is retrieved semen is also collected from a partner or donor.
  • During egg insemination, the eggs are and sperm are put together in a sterile dish like a petri dish or a test tube within a specialized incubator. The incubator controls the best environmental conditions to promote normal fertilization. In most cases, an addition procedure is added called ICSI, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. During ICSI, a single sperm is placed into each egg. This procedure increases the chances of fertilization. A day after the retreival of the eggs, the eggs are then evaluated to determine how many of them have been fertilized.
  • Embryos are then evaluated and graded daily based on their rate at which the cells divide, the size and number of the cells, and the amount of cytoplasmic fragments present. These fragments can affect embryo development and can be removed if necessary.
  • Three to five days after the egg retrieval, the deemed appropriate embryos are then transferred into the female.
IVF process
What is PGD and How Does it Work?

PGD, or preimplantation genetic testing, involves testing done during the IVF process and prior to the embryos being implanted into the female's uterus. An embryologist examines the embryos for genetic or chromosomal diseases, and their gender. Based on the parents requirements, the embryologist chooses the appropriate embryos and transfers them into the female.  

Embroyo - The Great Designer Baby Controversy OF ’09
Although the technology of  IVF and PGD may be appealing, I believe making designer babies for a cosmetic reason is unethical. As humans, we should be able to love any living creature. It should not matter if the baby is a girl or a boy, has blond hair or brown hair, or has blue eyes or brown eyes. We are essentially judging a book by its cover: loving the baby instantly if it has the characteristics you want, or learning to love and appreciate (by will) if the baby does not live up to the parents' expectations. We should be able to accept everyone for who they really are and not what they look like on the outside. If designer babies become a trend, we would almost be (like Connie said http://itsalive-conn.blogspot.com/) breeding out our differences. Imperfections would be ridiculed right away and the scientific technology of genetic processing can be easily be compared to buying clothes because they are fashionable and what the parents like.

But the idea of genetic processing may be learned to be accepted if it was for a scientific reason. Many IVF babies are done only because parents have found a reoccurring recessive gene running in their family causing disease or disorder. Through the use of IVF, the offspring may be able to live life free of this said disease or disorder. Another way genetic processing can be useful is to eliminate future life-threatening diseases or disorders.  

At the same time, genetic altering may also bring up monetary issues. Some parents are paying $19,000 to choose the gender of the baby. Add that number to the cost of raising a kid (around $180,000 to $300,000) from age 0-18. Include that sum with a college or university tuition, parents may eventually be filing for debt. Would you spend that much more money so your kid can be all kinds of  perfect? Would you manipulate your child's genes so that it could be your preferred gender? As the parents would want their child's appearance to be perfect, they may likely also have high expectations of their perfect child, which may evidently lead to a child's low self-esteem. These problems does not only bring up moral or ethical issues, but it can also lead to monetary and psychology issues as well. To conclude, if IVF or PGD is done for scientific reasons as mentioned above, I believe it is okay to do so. If it's for cosmetic reasons - a definite nono. Are we not able to accept people for who they are? Or do they have to meet up to our expectations for us to like them?  

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The Interwebs of Life

The Amazon Rainforest is the biggest forest in the world and home to thousands of different plants and animals. This enormous biome covers nine countries including: Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Columbia, Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana, and Guyana. Inside the Amazon Rainforest, some common products you can find are latex, minerals like iron, manganese, uranium, copper, nickel and gold, diamonds and other less valuable gems, hundreds of different kinds of woods and many medicinal plants.

The span of the Amazon Rainforest
Due to deforestation, road construction, agricultural reasons, and grazing land for cattle, rainforests around the world are being destroyed. It is estimated that tropical rainforests around the world are being destroyed at the rate of 6 million hectares per year- that's equivalent to an entire football field every four seconds! If humans continue to impact the biodiversity of our ecosystems, the entire Amazon Rainforest will be gone. And along with the rainforest, potential medicine, biodiversity, and a massive carbon sink that acts as the 'lungs of the world' will disappear also.

Newly cleared section of Amazon forest
Newly cleared section of the Amazon Rainforest

For this reason, many animals, plants, and people who call the Amazon Rainforest home, are forced to adapt or move to another safer location. Animals who live in the Amazon Rainforest like the jaguar, three-toed sloth, and some species of the poison dart frog, are endangered because their habitat is shrinking due to human intervention. According to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), species have been disappearing 1,000 times the natural rate and an estimated 34000 plant and 5200 animal species face extinction.

Three-toed Sloth
Posion Dart Frog

STARO, also known as Save the Amazon Rainforest Organization's mission is to support Brazil in exploring and preserving the Amazon Rainforest to provide a sustainable living environment for animals, plants, and people who live there. They strive to do this by carrying out agricultural projects with the local forest dwellers to enable them to live in harmony with the forest and by working with the Brazilian Instituto Caiua de Gestado Ambiental (ICGA), an environmental charity, in fostering the exploration of the rich biodiversity and ethno-botanical value of the Amazon Rainforest.

On STARO's website, they feature a link directing viewers to UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme. The UNEP announced on July 16, 2010, they will team up with PUMA to commence 'The Play For Life' Campaign. This campaign features Cameroon's national soccer team to promote the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity. The International Year of Biodiversity, or IYB, is a global initiative launched by the United Nations to help raise awareness on the importance of biodiversity and to encourage people around the world to take action and help conserve plants and animals in their natural habitats.

United Nations Environment Programme
The Play For Life Campaign
Play For Life Campaign Poster
Proceeds from the Play for Life Campaign will be donated to projects that will help The African Lion: King Without a Kingdom Project, the Support the Elephants Project, and the Promoting Community Participation in Gorilla Conservation Project.

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